Get more information about Errors & Omissions Coverage from the experts at Axis Insurance Services LLC, one of the largest independent writers of Insurance Agents & Brokers E&O in the business.

Errors & Omissions Insurance Covers Mistakes and Oversights
Insurance agents and brokers need Errors & Omissions (E&O) policies that adequately address risks. Properly customized E&O insurance will ensure that your coverage terms and limits correspond to your operation’s exposures and adjust to new business circumstances. The E&O experts at Axis Insurance Services will review your exposures to ensure that your E&O coverage responds to your risk profile.
Coverage Options
When you partner with us you get more than top-tier insurance solutions, competitive rates, and customized policies, you gain access to an established team of professional and Cyber experts specializing in Insurance Agents and Brokers.
First Dollar Defense
Limits up to $100M
Defense Outside
Independent Contractor Coverage
Insolvency Coverage
Disciplinary Coverage
Owned Property Coverage
Construction Management
Joint Ventures / Syndications
Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance can provide coverage for your company in the event of a lawsuit brought against it for claiming negligence in providing or failing to provide your professional services. Below are the most common claim scenarios.
Failure to List Additional Property
An agency replaced an existing commercial property policy at renewal, at the behest of an insured who wanted to reduce his premiums. The new policy failed to list one of the previously insured locations. Later this location suffered a severe fire. Coverage was denied because the building was not included on the new policy. The building owner sued the agency for over $750,000 and won.

Failure to List Additional Insured
An agency placed a policy that required an additional insured endorsement. The broker requested a copy of the contract requiring the AI status that was never provided. Eventually, a death claim arose on the subject property and the additional insured was not protected. Ultimately, this matter was settled for $2.4M plus defense.
Failure to Disclose Changes in Coverage
An agency renewed a commercial excess policy with a new carrier. The new coverage had an attachment point for uninsured motorist of $500,000 versus the expiring policy at $250,000. The broker failed to increase the coverage on the primary policy to match the limits of the primary policy and created a $250,000 gap in coverage. This matter was settled for the $250,000 plus legal fees.

Failure to Disclose Coverage limitations for Vacant Property
During the policy year, the insured informed a broker that their insured property was now vacant. The broker notified the carrier, and the policy coverage was reduced to reflect a basic policy that excludes theft, water damage and vandalism. Subsequently, the property suffered a $250,000 loss as a result of the theft of copper and other items that left water running and thus water damage. The claim was denied. In this case, the broker failed to inform the insured that by switching policies that basic coverage for the vacant property did not cover theft, vandalism or water damage.
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